In the South, summer is one of the toughest seasons to run in. The heat and humidity seem to compete with each other to see which one can heat us up the fastest! While it would be great idea to just skip summer and wait until the heat goes on vacation in fall, taking a 3 month break is not in my future. I will say that treadmill is a great option when the temperatures are dangerously high or when it's raining. To survive the summer I slow my pace, run at cooler times of the day, and hydrate frequently. I also incorporate a few summer races to stay fit for fall training. Need a few summer races? Check out the races below and the discount codes for them. How do you beat the summer heat?

Bigfoot Trail Race - 6/24/2017 - Geneva, WI
Use code “BibRaveBF17” for a bonus RAM Racing drink bottle!
Bristol Independence Rhode Race- 7/1/2017 - Bristol, RI
Use code: "BibRave" to save 10% on race entry.
Missoula Marathon-7/7-9/2017 - Missoula, MT
Use code: "BibRave2017" for $5 on race entry.
Shipyard Old Port Half Marathon - 7/8/17, Portland, ME Code: bibrave10 for 10% off
Mad Marathon - 7/9 - Mad River Valley, VT
Use code "BR2017" for $10 discount
Craft Classic San Diego - 7/16/2017 - San Diego, CA Use code “BIBRAVEHALF” to save $10 on the Half and “BIBRAVE5k” to save $5 on the 5K.
Crystal City Twilighter- 7/22/2017 - Arlington, VA Use code "17cctBibRave" for $5 race entry.
BTN Big 10K- 7/23/2017 - Chicago, IL
Use code “BibRaveBTN17” for a bonus RAM Racing drink bottle!
DMSE Classic- 7/22-23/2017 - North Andover, MA
Use code “BIBRAVE2017” for $5 on race entry.