Disclaimer: I received an entry into the 2022 Enmarket Savannah Bridge Run Double Pump 15k Race to evaluate as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to find and write race reviews
This year was my fifth year running the Enmarket Savannah Bridge Run Double Pump Race. The race consist of a 5k (one trip over the Talmadge Bridge), followed by a 10k (two trips over the Talmadge Bridge. The 15k is a total three trips over the Talmadge Bridge that grants spans the Savannah River. While I enjoy the challenge of this race, honestly it doesn't get easier each year. I always say "Hills Build Character" and this race serves a PhD in character. I was a more strategic this year so I could conserve my energy for the race. Let's recap how this year's race went.
The expo was held at the Kehoe Iron Works Building on E Broughton Street. I arrived to the expo late due to traffic delays along the way. A friend picked up my packet before I arrived. I was able to quickly pick up my VIP wristband for the race. Thanks to BibRave and the race, my registration was upgraded to VIP. There were a few vendors selling appareal and services. One benefit of arriving late is that Fleet Feet was offering all their shoes for $50. Unfortunately, they didn't have my Brooks model, so I had to pass. The venue offered plenty of parking and other participants were able quickly pick up their bibs and tee-shirts.

Race Day
The race started at 8 am. The 5K and 15k started at Hutchinson Island. There was plenty of free and paid parking. I met up with a few BibRave Pros who were also running the 15k. This year, the race combined and organized the runners and walker into corrals. This was a great improvement over previous years where the two groups were separated and eventually combined before climbing the bridge.

Based on my previous year's experiences, I chose to run intervals (2 min running, 45 s walking) for the entire race. In the past I would run the 5k and then struggle during the 10k. Running intervals made the race easier and recovery faster.
The first trip across the Talmadge Bridge wasn't that bad. With the intervals I was able to climb without using all my energy and not going overboard on the down hills. The 5k ended by the Civic Center and once I crossed the finish line, I continued on with the 10k.

The 10k is the doozy. I probably walked a bit too much, but I chose to slow down on the second trip over the bridge so I would have energy for the last trip. It was fun to see all the runners in their costumes during the race. It was beautiful distraction. I also took time to snap a few pictures on the journey to the top.

The Finish
I finished in 1:55:58 and I was awarded 3 medals. The medals have moving boats on them. I also visited the VIP tent for a free catered breakfast. The tent also offered messages and a place to sit and relax. I had to return home after the race, so I didn't take advantage of those amenities. I took the free shuttle back to the start so I could head back to ATL.

I really enjoyed the race and plan to run next year. I think the race corrals were a big improvement to the race experience. The race also offered free pictures. The picture below was taken at the finish, as indicated by the smile.

I wish the expo was a bit larger and showcased more vendors (running and food) that highlight the Savannah City experience. I love medals and I am glad to add them to my collection.
