Disclaimer: I received an entry into the virtual Global Running Day 24 Hour Relay to evaluate as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to find and write race reviews!”
Today was Global Running Day. Running is a gift that I never take for granted. I participated in the Global Running Day 24 Hour Relay sponsored by Rochester Running Company with my fellow BibRave Pros and other runners from around the nation.
I am proud to support the Global Running Day 24 Hour Relay because they are donating 25% of their profits from this event to the NAACP legal defense funds. I am grateful that they are aiding in the fight for racial equality. Run in love and respect for everyone and make no exceptions.
I ran a short 1.27 mile new running route to fulfill my relay leg and to complete the Atlanta Track Club new route challenge for today. I am super excited about our medals and I hope everyone had a great run today.
