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Writer's pictureSamantha Andrews

Rock 'n' Roll Savannah Half Marathon 2019

Disclaimer: I received a Gatorade Endurance and an entry into the Rock 'n' Roll Savannah half marathon to evaluate as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to find and write race reviews!”

Rock 'n' Roll Savannah is one my favorite out of town races. It will always have a place in my heart since this is where I ran my first marathon five years ago. Since I have retired from marathons, this year I opted to run the half marathon. I also ran the 5k and 1 miler the day after the half marathon.

This year reminded me of Savannah 2014 in which the weather was perfect on both days. I had set a goal to run a sub 2 half marathon, while I didn't reach the goal I had fun and enjoyed the race. How was the 2019 race?

The Expo

The expo was sponsored by Brooks and held at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center. Packet pick up was super easy. The race provided kiosks that runners could use to look up their race numbers. I got three bibs (1 for each race) and my shirts for each race. The Brooks section was huge with plenty of merchandise. My favorite part of the expo was the name walls for each race. I am sucker for name walls and happily found my name for each race that was posted.

I only bought a pair of cute Tepuy Activewear tights at the expo to add to my collection. I also got runner buddy pressured into running the Enmarket Savannah Bridge Run again in December. My blog on that race will be posted later.

The Race Day

The race started at 7:30 am near the River Walk. I like that we have opportunity to hangout in the Hyatt and use real restrooms while we waited to take off. Since I have been training with Gatorade Endurance gels and hydration I bought them to the race with my favorite hydration pack.

Running in Savannah is breath of fresh air compared to running in ATL. After going over the bridge in the first mile of the race there are no other hills. The perfect weather mixed with all the Savannah squares made the race really enjoyable. I loved the crowds and talking to the other runners. The race course was the same as it was previous years. My energy levels were great throughout the race and I didn't hit the dreaded wall thanks to Gatorade Endurance.

When I registered for the race in spring, I had planned to run a sub 2 race so I was placed in corral 3. Due to the heat this summer and my commitment to training, I didn't meet the goal. However, I really enjoyed the race and I cut off 9 minutes from 10 mile race time from October. I plan to keep working on my sub 2 goal at each of my half marathons.

Overall, I enjoyed Rock 'n' Roll Savannah and I hope to run the half marathon next year. My only suggestion for improvement I have for the race is to not make the half marathoners have to walk so far to pick up their checked items. Thanks Savannah for another great race!

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