We have made it to June, which means that 2021 is half over. This month I will be training for the Missoula Virtual Half Marathon. The Missoula race will take place June 26-27 in my neighborhood. If you want to join me, use code BR2021 and save $5 on registration. My Garmin training plan is taking another approach to prepare for the half marathon. I using pace-based runs versus a mixture of workouts.
During the pace-based run, I have certain pace range that I have to run in to avoid the dreadful Garmin watch beeps. I like this approach since it teaches me how to pace myself during a race so I don't use majority of my energy early in the race. I am in my third week of the training program and I really like it. I am also back to running on Mondays, which is something I have not done in over a year.

I hope June goes well and the weather stays mild. What are your goals for this month?